MPW Investors
Metal Powder Works Limited (ASX:MPW) is headquartered in Pittsburgh, USA, and specializes in the production of high-quality metal powders for additive manufacturing and other advanced applications. MPW has developed a patented, non-thermal powder production process known as DirectPowder™. The MPW process represents the first true innovation in powder manufacturing in over 50 years. This innovative method converts premium bar stock into quality powder for a variety of materials and applications, significantly improving yield and affordability. MPW currently has 16+ powders in production, including high strength Aluminum, Copper and Copper Nickel alloys, and specialty alloys including CP-Ti and Zircaloy. In 2024, Metal Powder Works was named Material Company of the Year by the 3D Printing Industry Awards.
To learn more about MPW stock prices and how to invest, visit the links below.
The MPW DirectPowder™ Process
Current Share Price
Historical Share Price
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Corporate Directory
Level 5, 191 St Georges Terrace
Perth, WA 6000
Tel (within Australia): 1300 288 664
Tel (outside Australia): +61 2 9698 5414
Business Office
1300 Clinton Rd, Suite 200
Clinton, PA, 15026
Share Registry
Automic Group
Level 5, 191 St Georges Terrace
Perth, WA 6000
Tel (within Australia): 1300 288 664
Tel (outside Australia): +61 2 9698 5414
Email: hello@automic.com.au
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